I have decided to take a different direction...
All through college I have been studying dance and dance and more dance. Every aspect of dance that you could think of. I have changed my mind about 5 times since I have started college. But these changes of mind that I am going through are not me being indecisive. It is me growing and discovering that there is more out there and learning about the things that click with me.
The things that I know I love and connect with are: Isadora Duncan, Dance Kinesiology, Dance History, and World Cultural Dances. While being in college I have discovered these 4 areas that I excel at and enjoy doing. I love dancing the Duncan technique and I love trying and dancing different cultures dances. I also love reading and learning about the history of dance, as I am currently reading Isadora Duncan's autobiography. And kinesiology, has been a number one love for me. Discovering these things has really given me the opportunity to hone my career and life goals.
I am going to continue my research and discovering within these aspects and create more within the dance community.