Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Isadora Duncan

My latest adventure has been studying the Isadora Duncan dance technique. I am currently studying under one of my teachers who is a 4th generation certified Duncan Dancer. Needless to say, I am putting "Dance with the Duncan Foundation" at the top of my list of things to do in my career. I had already planned to eventually (hopefully in a year) move to New York. As of right now I will try to get in with the foundation by either work-study or an internship and hopefully be offered a spot in the company. Now I am prepared for this not to be a lifetime thing, as I would love to go on and teach at a university. But finding a few specific style of dances to focus all my attention on and study is what I want to do. I do not just want to flounder around in the dance world doing small, basic things. I need to find bigger things to study. The Duncan technique is going to be one of those big things.

I am currently reading Isadora's autobiography because when I study something I want to fully study it, not just half way. I want to know where she came from and how she got there. It is safe to say that Isadora was very colorful in her life. She was free and did exactly what she wanted. The things that I myself am taking hold of. She wrote her whole book in 6 months and was drunk the whole time. She drank when she wanted, dance when she wanted, and made love when she wanted. She had many lovers throughout her life and even had two children who had different dads. The most important thing I have learned so far is her association with herself to Aphrodite. She says she was born under the stars of Aphrodite and that's where she dances from.

This picture is not of Isadora herself but of someone dancing her technique. I chose this picture because this pose is my ultimate favorite in her work. It is a high release with an attitude. I personally have troubles with this pose sometimes because it looks more difficult than you would think. From the picture it is observed that her pelvis is in line and not tilted to the back. Naturally any dancer doing this move will try and lift their attitude as high as possible and tilt their pelvis back. I personally do this myself. It is hard to try the body to be moving and leaping into the position but not tilt the pelvis. All the while this high release in the upper body. All of her work is about releasing the sternum and lifting the sternum. This too is a struggle. To obtain this kind of technique it is best to be using imagery within your own body.

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